Madison Rene Kalub was born on September 20, 2009 weighing 6lbs. 2oz. and 17 inches long. She has brown eyes and brown hair. She was born so cute and beautiful!! Praise God she was born healthy and we were able to hold her right away after she was born.
She went into Daddy's arms after they cleaned her up then into her incubator to warm up a little while I was in recovery for about an hour. She has such as cute little cry and it was so fun to cuddle her in our arms.
I can't believe how tiny she was! She is the perfect blend of both Sean and I as far as coloring and features. I was still a little out of it in the picture but a very happy Mommy indeed!
She looks so precious in this photo. It looks like we have a choke hold on her but really we are supporting her head and neck in order to burp her. Look at all that hair!!It was love at first site! Daddy and I are exhausted in the picture after being up most the night getting very little sleep between feedings and having nurses come into the room every hour to check vitals and see how we were doing. Sean took care of her the first few nights because I was sore from my c-section and did a fabulous job, a real trooper and awesome new Daddy. Her binki was OUR life-saver.