Monday, February 27, 2012

Mommy's don't get sick days!

We are entering what seems to be a season of fussiness with Madison now almost 2 1/2 now. A lot of days I have the patience to discipline when needed, show compassion, love and Grace through the Lord's strength and other days its a bit more challenging. This week recovering from the stomach flu and sinus infection at the same time; I'm having what I call  "A weaker moment". I mean, doesn't a 2yr old understand mom needs a sick day?
I came across another encouraging read from a blog found on Desiring God that was great just to reflect and work on the joy we need to have as Christians in our lives (despite the circumstances) and in our homes and that includes with our children. I have realized most recently that I can often be fussy because Madison is fussy, how crazy is that! That I compete with my 2yr old's fussiness! Instead of competing with her I need to be training her to be joyful when her juice cup is empty and she is unhappy about that, or when she tells me she doesn't like the lunch I just worked hard making for her. My role as her mom is to display the attributes of God because I love God and want her to love God and know God; and be joyful in what He gives us and creates for us. I was also reminded at church this past Sunday by Pastor Mike that we need to NOT always pray for God to take away the sufferings or change our painful circumstances but to pray for STRENGTH so that we can meet those challenging circumstances so he can refine us and make us stronger in our faith as believers. Anyway, had a few tangents but here is the small quote:

Blog quote:
Live the gospel in the things that no one sees. Sacrifice for your children in places that only they will know about. Put their value ahead of yours. Grow them up in the clean air of gospel living. Your testimony to the gospel in the little details of your life is more valuable to them than you can imagine. If you tell them the gospel, but live to yourself, they will never believe it. Give your life for theirs every day, joyfully. Lay down pettiness. Lay down fussiness. Lay down resentment about the dishes, about the laundry, about how no one knows how hard you work.

Stop clinging to yourself and cling to the cross. There is more joy and more life and more laughter on the other side of death than you can possibly carry alone.

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